CapNordic has been the preferred partner for +20 years
For the past +20 years, CapNordic and our Workflow solution have been the preferred method for handling supplier invoices and travel expenses.

CapNordic A/S
CapNordic A/S was founded in 2000 by three experienced enthusiasts in software and consulting. From the start, it was clear that the whole handling of invoices and travel settlements was an area where many things could be done much better.
Thus, CapNordic Workflow was developed and is, through several versions and platforms, today the preferred solution among medium-sized to large companies in Denmark and the rest of the world.
The fact that CapNordic's solutions are at the same time scalable and modular means that we can constantly follow when our customers' business develops. A large part of our customers have been with us for over 15-20 years, which shows how central a part of the organization we have become. While customers have changed financial systems, employees and business areas, CapNordic has remained.
This is largely due to CapNordic's focus on being consultants and partners in a broader sense than just being a software vendor.
By always being at the forefront of developments in the field combined with our extensive experience, you can thus safely choose a collaboration with CapNordic around the important processes we specialize in.

CapNordic Workflow
The solution
CapNordic Workflow is the solution for handling supplier invoices and travel expenses. Through over 20 years of development and improvements, Workflow handles all processes around invoices and other types of documents, both in terms of importing, approval and compliance with security procedures.
Invoice import
Importing invoices into the system has undergone a rapid development over the years with the introduction of standardized formats such as OIOUBL and PEPPOL. These methods provide Workflow with a wide range of opportunities to automate processes and make everyday life significantly easier for our customers. But there are also smart solutions for receiving invoices by e-mail, so that the finance department's tasks are optimized tremendously.

Safety in the processes
CapNordic Workflow handles the entire approval process from start to finish. Following several publicly debated cases involving fraud, the requirement for security in the procedures has really come up on the agenda. Here, through collaboration with our customers, CapNordic has optimized Workflow to ensure that these type of cases do not arise.
Invoice approval and processing must be an easy and clear task for both the finance department and the approvers. Thus, CapNordic Workflow is available on both web, client and mobile devices.
In this way, the approvers can process their vouchers on the go, which helps for the overall processing time in the company
AI and Robotics
A large number of the functions in CapNordic Workflow are handled by AI and robots, which automate the processes and themselves become smarter and smarter as the system is used. This includes in particular recognition, automatic workflows and automatic costing based on what the user has done in the past. Thus, the system will constantly optimize itself to save time and resources for the users.
Travel expenses
CapNordic Workflow also offers its Travel module for handling credit card settlements and expenses. With full integration with the most widely used credit card companies, the process is very easy and saves employees a tedious and often down-prioritized task. All processes can be handled via the mobile phone and CapNordic has added a large number of automations and robots to the solution, to make it even easier for users.

Our products are used daily in a wide range of industries.
We are strongly represented within Pension Funds, Retail, Shipping Companies and many others
We are ready to help
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